Hands from four different people with different skin tone, in a circle with a universal sign of a wheelchair user in the center of the hands
An adult with her hands over a child's hands as they are placed on a book. They are sitting at a table and the child's eyes are closed
Our Mission

*Be Wise about Ability*

At AbilityWise our mission is to influence positive attitudes towards those with disabilities through stimulating, universally designed Disability Equality and Inclusion training programmes.

We encourage attendees to question misconceptions and evaluate their own practices of inclusion to promote an equitable society that flourishes with diversity

*Deirdre O' Grady*

Classroom of people sitting at desks with someone at the top of the room standing at a podium

Business Training

Corporate Disability Equality and Inclusion Training not only improves customer service for those with disabilities, it also creates a more diverse and inclusive environment to support all staff. Up to 90% government funding is available for businesses in the private sector.

A group of people with laptops sitting at desks and a man sitting on top of a table facing the others

School Courses

Disability Awareness Training creates an inclusive school environment that encourages acceptance of diversity and reduces instances of bullying.

A woman looking at and holding a book in front of her

Disability Sensitivity Reading

Working with authors, journalists and screen writers, Disability Sensitivity Reading ensures the accurate portrayal and representation of disabilities within literature.

Sign with the words Adult Education on it. There is a blue sky with clouds in the background

Adult education Evening courses

Disability Equality and Inclusion  Training by AbilityWise is available in select Adult Education Centers. Please contact us for more details on course and center details

The importance of Disability Equality and Inclusion training

The Central Statistics Office report that 22% of the Irish population have a disability. It is therefore reasonable to assume that most people will have regular interactions with those who have a disability. Disability Equality and Inclusion Training has become an essential tool in cultivating an inclusive and accepting environment which is compliant with legislation and provides valuable insight into how to develop your disability inclusive strategy for colleagues, customers, and peers.

By identifying misconceptions and promoting a respectful and inclusive environment, employees attending our courses will gain necessary skills and confidence when interacting with colleagues and customers who have a disability. Promoting equality through Disability Equality and Inclusion Training, eliminates discrimination and creates an open and welcoming environment.

All AbilityWise Courses are delivered by highly qualified, professional trainers with first-hand experience of having a disability. This allows participants the opportunity to avail of candid discussions and to learn about first-hand experiences of living with a disability.

Silhouette of a tree with the words, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility on the roots. On the branches, there are people. Four do not have a visible disability. One has a walking frame, one is missing parts of their arms, one has a guide dog, one has crutches and is missing part of one leg and one is a wheelchair user